Why Speed Matters…

Why Speed Matters... Is speed the essential factor for success in recruitment just as it it in the Olympics. Imagine this It’s [...]

What do you measure?

I’ve been working with recruiting and staffing leaders since 1997, many of whom were serving the industry since the 1980s and I find several things interesting on things they shared about recru

Glyde for Avionté Integration to Revolutionize Recruitment Automation

End-to-End Automation Transforms the Recruitment Funnel, Enhancing Efficiency and Candidate Experience Austin, June 20, 2024 – Glyde, a leading provider of AI-powered [...]

The 60-Minute Advantage – How Prompt Responses Secure Top Healthcare Talent

In today’s fast-paced recruitment landscape, especially within the healthcare industry, speed is of the essence. The efficiency of your hiring process can make or break your chances of securing top-ti

How Recruitment Teams Can Overcome Doubt When Embracing AI

Over the decades the rapid pace of technological evolution has revolutionized industries, establishing a new order that demands adaptation for survival and success. Recruitment, part of the agile doma

Thank you to the public builders

I frequently see former colleagues or connections taking it upon themselves to “Build in Public” and in my mind I’m reasonably sure that the main intended beneficiary of this activity is themselves I

What have we done in our search for validation?

Watching a movie about a famous 19th century inventor I’m reminded of the many placards on Georgian houses around Dublin. If you’re not familiar, the algorithmic architecture synonymous wi

The Frustration of Missed Connections

In the busy world of recruitment, time is a currency that is always in short supply. Recruiters face the daunting task of not only discovering talent but engaging with them in meaningful ways that lea

Accurately Calculating the True Cost of Recruitment Advertising

When assessing the cost-effectiveness of recruitment advertising sources like ZipRecruiter and Indeed, it’s essential to consider not just the immediate advertising expenses but also the comprehensive

When is an application not an application?

A common hiring strategy is to use screening questions to filter out candidates, under the assumption that the ones who make it through the process are truly committed to the role. However, this appro

AGI & LLM – Is GPT a Stepping Stone or a Core Tool to AGI?

The journey towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a complex and multidimensional one. Reflecting on my thoughts during a flight to the UK in 2000, I find myself contemplating the evolution

Always Under Pressure…

The recruitment landscape is facing a paradox that has left many staffing leaders scratching their heads. While we are in a market where job openings are down, the workload for recruitment teams has p

Could I Have Your Attention Please?

The talent acquisition landscape is a battleground for attention. Somewhere between the excitement of new applicants and the daunting task of identifying the right fit, recruiter productivity often ta

What’s the ROI on AI recruitment services?

Imagine slogging through a mountain of CVs, the clock ticking away as you attempt to identify the top talent for your client. You’re overburdened with menial tasks, and strategic initiatives are left

Navigating the Waves of Boom-Bust Recruitment Cycles on Organizations

In the dynamic world of recruitment, organizations often experience the highs of hiring booms followed by the lows of hiring busts. This rollercoaster, characterized by alternating periods of intense

Company culture and how not to get it ass-backwards

Photo by Ian Schneider on UnsplashI rarely got sucked into conversations or debates on social media or LinkedIn but today I have the enjoyable experience of seeing a really nicely presented diagram of

AI in Staffing: A Journey from Immediate Impact to Long-Term Transformation

In the ever-evolving world of staffing and recruitment, change is the only constant. But it’s not just any change; we are at the start of a revolution, powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). As we n

Decode the Future: How to Crack the Skills-Based Talent Code

After over 25 years navigating the professional world, I’ve always believed one thing would be true – skills are the currency that matters most when it comes to career success rather than

Uncovering the Fall Guy in Recruitment Bottlenecks

Recruiters stand at the frontlines of talent acquisition, their inboxes perpetually overflowing with a deluge of resumes, their lines buzzing with inquiries, reminders, and updates. However, with the

Beyond Better Horses: Embracing the AI Revolution in Talent Acquisition

Imagine the early 20th century, a bustling street with the clatter of hooves and carriages harmonizing with the chatter of commerce and daily life. Amidst this familiar scene, a peculiar, almost alien

The Power of Conversational AI in Enhancing Self-Selection for Talent Acquisition

Welcome to the next chapter in our exploration of recruitment evolution. After delving into the wonders of self-selection in talent acquisition, we’re now poised to take a giant leap forward…How

The Wave of Change in Talent Acquisition: Embracing Self-Selection in the Recruitment Process

Picture this: After launching a high-stakes search for the new lead developer, the response is overwhelming—hundreds, perhaps thousands, of applications flood in. Each resume boasts a variety of

To Hire or To Fire – that is the question…

In today’s rapidly changing world, talent acquisition has become a challenging puzzle for many corporate and staffing leaders. Traditional processes used to rely heavily on time-consuming interviews,

Where did the 8 years go?

It’s amazing to think it’s been eight full circles around the sun since we penned our first thoughts about recruitment back in 2015. Way back when, we delved into the issues plaguing the recruitment i

Why matching never worked and why AI solves that

The perfect hire can feel like a blue moon — an elusive combination of qualifications, experience, and culture fit that treats your organization. For years, talent acquisition leaders have turne

Can you increase the quality of applicants for a job with AI

Modern recruitment and staffing leaders often find themselves in a conundrum. They have plenty of applicants for open positions, but the quality of the applications received can cause a real headache.

Creating candidate relationships with AI

Modern talent acquisition leaders are all too familiar with the experience of drowning in resumes, yet not finding the right fit for a key role. Complicating this problem, recruiters are continually b

Automation versus Augmentation

After attending the Innovation Summit at last week’s HR Technology Conference in Las Vegas, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the growing role of AI in recruiting.It’s clear there is mounting agreement th

The Jagged Frontier: Navigating AI’s Uneven Impact on Recruiting

Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to transform recruiting, but its capabilities have a jagged frontier. Certain tasks may see large performance gains from AI while others face pitfalls. As a talen

The Innovator’s Dilemma: How Enterprise SaaS may not be at the front of the AI transformation in recruitment.

You’re an ambitious Talent Acquisition leader, well aware of the ever-changing tides within the HR landscape. You know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have the potent

The Problem with Recruitment Today

Recruiting top talent has never been more challenging. Between an overflowing inbox and an endless stream of interviews and meetings, recruiters are constantly battling against time to fill open roles

More Opportunities: How AI Frees Up Recruiters to Focus on People

In a world increasingly dominated by digital technology, industries are continually embracing advanced solutions to tackle evolving challenges. The world of talent acquisition is no exception. As Tale

Transform Your Hiring Funnel with Automated Workflows

Recruiters today face an overwhelming amount of tasks — from reviewing resumes to conducting interviews and paperwork. But implementing some simple automations can help ease the burden.The Probl

Automate Screening with AI-Powered Conversations

In the current corporate landscape, the ability to attract, assess, and retain talent lies at the heart of organizational success. As recruitment processes continuously evolve, it is becoming more evi